The Cheapest BEST DIY Video Light EVER!

My office resides on our first floor in our town home. One of the main problems with it is that it is an arctic wasteland that I cannot stand to be in right now it has low amounts of natural lighting. This poses a problem when I do videos or teach online. Both require adequate lighting. Nobody wants to see me like this when I teach or in a video. Maybe they do?? Who am I to judge. Ha!

I really really wanted a diva ring light, but those bad boys are PRICY.  They have cheaper ones on Amazon like this one and also have professional photography lighting for around $50 like this one. But my office is also shared with my husbands hobby, model trains,
so whatever I use needs to take up minimal space. I'm also the cheapest person on the face of the planet..sometimes..I mean a good purse is priceless..come to mama Kate.

I made a DIY diva light ring about 4 months ago which seemed to work, at first, but now some of the light has yellowed and it's not as bright. That ran me around $20. And, honestly, I don't think it was as ever as bright as the tutorial I got it off of. It must have been the lights....or me...but I'll blame the lights.
I'm happy to report that my new project cost under $10. Wal-mart is good for something after all. You can also snag most of the supplies for a decent price on Amazon as well. Not only that, but it is SUPER bright. I do think I will need to make another one, just for shadow purposes. But you can see how bright this one is is. (don't mind my messy
And here it is shining on my face!


Here's what you will need to pick up:
  • clamp light (I used an 8 inch)
  • 60w day light bulb
  • wax paper
  • large rubber band

Screw the light bulb in. Put a large enough piece of wax paper to cover the clamp light.
Then you want to put it over the clamp light, using the rubber band to tighten it. Then pull the wax paper tighter.

Then just plug it in. That simple. You're welcome.

Drop me a comment and let me know if this worked for you or not. Or maybe you have a better idea.


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