How I Earn Extra Money After The Holidays
Anybody else poor in January or is that just me?? I don't know about you, but I need some cold hard cash to make up for going a little nuts for Christmas. I know it's not about the presents, it's about the season, but you know..I have 3 girls and a husband..and I
My mom: "Your children do NOT need all those Star Wars toys!"
Me: "Umm...they're for me.Duh." 😂
So, needing to make a little extra cha-ching on the side becomes necessary. That's where my home business comes into play. I used to be a high school science teacher...used to be. I found my patience wasn't where it used to be when I was younger. When I had students who stared me down when I asked them to do a simple thing like "Please move over to that seat?" and then said "I don't think your reason for me moving is good enough. I'll stay where I'm sitting." My response, in my head, usually involved a

I love that I can help, teach and pamper women and teens (and a few men) with products that help their overall self-care. When someone tells me, "Boy that black soap (gender bender charcoal soap) really helped their son/daughter with the acne on their face", it feels good. It's also great because when I was teaching, this was something SO much different from what I was doing that it was refreshing. Self-care is so important. So many people simply do not slow down enough to relax and take care of themselves..even if it's only a 5 minute pampering session by putting on hand cream.
Plus, let's face it, I've bought way more stupid things for $99 than buying a business. WAYYY MORRREE! (But we won't get into don't ask...there was this one time....) One of the nice things about my not-so-side gig is it helps me recover a bit, financially, after the holidays. Plus it pays my mortgage and car and some other things too. Awesome, right?
The best thing about this is that you can totally earn the cost of start-up kit BACK this actually earn an extra $1 🤣 Plus you can earn MORE Benjamins later. This doesn't even include commission that you make. CRAZY!
This kit contains EVERYTHING you could possibly need to get started. Full size products for you and full size products to sample/sell that are some of our best selling products. Like the magic stick, the healer, it can help eczema, lips, dry spots, sun burns, tattoos, a baby's butt(but then not the lips), mosquitos bites...and pretty much everything else. The kit also comes with plenty of samples that will allow you to get your friends
You even get two extra products!! Remind me to show you my start up wasn't nearly this good...ok it wasn't a lot this good. I'm so jealous.
Admit it..I've peeked your interest..just a little bit. It's ok to admit it. Go to this site and it will give you more information that you can read about. Feel free to email me at or drop a comment if you have specific questions you want to ask me.
The way I see it is that the worst you can do is get over $220 in the best product on the market for $99 with the potential to get that back.
Best. Deal. Ever.
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