What To Do When You Feel Like Giving Up
You're doing something you enjoy, you love it, then things get rough and....you think it..you think....I should quit. *gasp* Let's face it. We've all been there at one time in our life or another. From everything like your diet, to the gym, to your career or business, to even maybe, your marriage; when the tough gets going, you just want to crawl under the covers and opt out.
I'm going to give you 5 tips as to what to do when you these quitting blues come upon you to help you ride out the rough times.
Tip 1:
It's NORMAL!! Say what? Yup, totally normal. Things in life are often rollercoasters. Many times we think we take one small step forward and end up three steps back. I mean how many of you have stepped on a scale and been like..screw this diet, I didn't lose any weight this week and then the next week BAM! you lose like three pounds. Just because you don't see progress doesn't mean that it isn't there. It just isn't evident at the time.
Tip 2:
Step back and take a breather. Not a break..a breather. Sometimes, when I am uber frustrated, I see more problems than solutions. It seems like it would be easier to pound my head against the wall than continue. When this happens, I do a couple of things. I go take my dog to the dog park. I meditate. I read. I watch a movie. I play with the kids. I walk away from whatever was frustrating me...sometimes for a few hours, others for a day. Then I comeback refreshed.
Tip 3:
Reflect on your wins, no matter how small, that you have had. These are the progress you might overlook because you are so focused on the things like "no one is joining my team" "i'm not selling enough" "I can't lose weight" blah blah blah. When you change your focus to your wins, you see that you are, indeed, doing some pretty awesome things. Write down all the things that you are grateful for that has happened to you with what you are thinking about quitting. Fact: You can't be upset and grateful at the same time! Fact: You can't be stressed and grateful at the same time! Fact: Everything starts with gratitude.
Tip 4:
Invest in your own personal development. People, all too often, think that their learning stops once they are done with school. That's absolutely horse shit. Your learning never stops. In order to grow, you must learn. If you don't want to grow, well..just keep on not investing in yourself bucko. Go listen to podcast. Go read a book on the thing that you think you should quit. Go invest in someone to help you. Go read a blog..oh look, you're reading one right now..yay! Do SOMETHING that makes yourself better.
The fact of the matter is that tomorrow is a new day. Your breakthrough could be right around the corner, so don't break down. Keep on going. Utilize these tips. And don't quit.
If you found value out of this, share with your friends. Leave a comment telling me how you thought about quitting once and how you stopped yourself. Don't forget to subscribe.
I'm going to give you 5 tips as to what to do when you these quitting blues come upon you to help you ride out the rough times.
Tip 1:
It's NORMAL!! Say what? Yup, totally normal. Things in life are often rollercoasters. Many times we think we take one small step forward and end up three steps back. I mean how many of you have stepped on a scale and been like..screw this diet, I didn't lose any weight this week and then the next week BAM! you lose like three pounds. Just because you don't see progress doesn't mean that it isn't there. It just isn't evident at the time.
Tip 2:
Step back and take a breather. Not a break..a breather. Sometimes, when I am uber frustrated, I see more problems than solutions. It seems like it would be easier to pound my head against the wall than continue. When this happens, I do a couple of things. I go take my dog to the dog park. I meditate. I read. I watch a movie. I play with the kids. I walk away from whatever was frustrating me...sometimes for a few hours, others for a day. Then I comeback refreshed.
Tip 3:
Reflect on your wins, no matter how small, that you have had. These are the progress you might overlook because you are so focused on the things like "no one is joining my team" "i'm not selling enough" "I can't lose weight" blah blah blah. When you change your focus to your wins, you see that you are, indeed, doing some pretty awesome things. Write down all the things that you are grateful for that has happened to you with what you are thinking about quitting. Fact: You can't be upset and grateful at the same time! Fact: You can't be stressed and grateful at the same time! Fact: Everything starts with gratitude.
Tip 4:
Invest in your own personal development. People, all too often, think that their learning stops once they are done with school. That's absolutely horse shit. Your learning never stops. In order to grow, you must learn. If you don't want to grow, well..just keep on not investing in yourself bucko. Go listen to podcast. Go read a book on the thing that you think you should quit. Go invest in someone to help you. Go read a blog..oh look, you're reading one right now..yay! Do SOMETHING that makes yourself better.
The fact of the matter is that tomorrow is a new day. Your breakthrough could be right around the corner, so don't break down. Keep on going. Utilize these tips. And don't quit.
If you found value out of this, share with your friends. Leave a comment telling me how you thought about quitting once and how you stopped yourself. Don't forget to subscribe.
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