Catch YOUR vision

Let's break down exactly what vision board is..
Vision, according to step-brother google, is
1. the faculty or state of being able to see
2. an experience of seeing someone or something in a dream or trance, or as a supernatural apparition
Let's just focus on the first one..I highlighted it, in case you couldn't tell. The faculty or state of being able to seeing what your future holds would fall under that definition..right??

The thing with seeing your future is you need to have it IN YOUR FACE every stinking day. EVERY DAY. Not only do you need to see it, you need to feel it. Feel what it will be like when you HAVE that future.
So here's what I want you to do..either digitally or with a purty board, cork or magnetic will do just fine. Or heck, just put it up on a wall.
1. Go get pictures of what YOU want in your future. What house do you want to have? Do you want to travel? Do you want a promotion? Do you want your debt paid off? etc.
2. Find your favorite motivational quotes and print them out. Some of mine are dropped throughout this post.
NOW, print it out and put it up on the media you have chosen. Or copy and paste it digitally. Then put it where you will see it EVERY day. I mean EVERY day. It's there in your face telling you..make this life you deserve!
When you see it, stop and look at it. I mean REALLY look at it. Spend good time feeling what it will feel like when you get that promotion, when your toes are in the sand of that vacation you're taking, what it will feel like telling your family about your dream house you're getting. Imagine it. Let it roll across your body like warm rays of sunshine. Your energy is connected to your emotion. Putting this emotion behind it will make it a bajillion times more powerful. Don't believe me? Go do this. Do it and MEAN it.
Already have a vision board? Drop a comment and let me know. Don't have one, make it up and show me!
Now go get your dreams!
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