Combating yourself

When you first start out in anything, there are always some doubts in your head. Can I do this? Will I be good at it? Will I be successful? All of these things spin and spin in your head and can drive you bat shit crazy if you let it. So don't let it. When you let these self-doubts, this negative self talk stay in your brain, it will stop you from becoming who you were meant to be. 

Walt Disney was told he LACKED creativity. Really? He lacked it...hard to believe, right?

Arianna Huffington got DENIED by 36 publishers, now her name is  pretty well know..Huffington Post. What if she let the first 1, 2, 3, 10 stop her from her goals. 

Bill Gates first big project flopped. Like REALLY flopped. Had he let that stop him, then he would have never created the mega giant Microsoft. 

I could go on and on about all these people who didn't let the doubts interfere with being bad ass, but I won't. Instead, I'm going to give you a few of my hell yeah tips to silence those shitty thoughts trying to make you believe you weren't born to be amazing!

1. Silence the thoughts. 
When you realize you are thinking these thoughts, STOP and say the opposite of them. (Oh yeah, you think I can't do it..well I CAN do it!) Yeah yeah yeah, I know you're saying, if only it was that easy. It's not, BUT if you consistently get in the habit of self correcting yourself, you will eventually do it less and less and less and less and well, you get the drift.

2. Say daily affirmations. 
There are so many negative things in the world aimed at you via facebook, twitter, the news, your work, maybe even your friends and family. Heck, every day people let the thief of joy into their life...comparison. I'm not as good as she is. He does a better job at it that me. I'll never be as good as so and so...blah blah blah. Horseshit. It's all horse shit. It's no wonder sometimes we get stuck in the I'm not amazing rut. 

So, let's combat it. Make a list of POSITIVE affirmations. 
I can do this! 
I am amazing! 
I am the shit! 

Whatever comes to your mind. Maybe it's something like...
I am the best at my job. 
I am a top earner in my company. 
I can earn the trip with my company. 

Or maybe it's.. 
I'm an awesome mom!
I can lose weight!
I choose to be happy!
I let the positive come into my life!

The options are really limitless. Say your affirmations your wrote down EVERY day. Not just today..maybe again in a few days, once next week..EVERY day...preferably before you start the day. Get it off on the right foot. Say them OUT LOUD. I don't care if it feels awkward. Get over it. 

If you feel like your "too busy" download this app called Think Up. It gives you suggested affirmations and you record them in your own voice. You have the option to make your own as well..which I do, but I used a lot of their suggested ones too. I love it because I can listen to my affirmations on the way to the gym, waiting in the godawful line to pick up my kindergartner, on the way to my in-laws, while working out..really anything. Here's something funny about it, you can connect it to your activity on your IPhone and it counts as a workout. SCORE

I also highly recommend taking stickies and putting your major ones EVERYWHERE..on your mirror, on your steering wheel, on your desk at work, in your book your reading, in your lunch bag so you see it when you first open, maybe tape it to the back of your kids and you can read it every time they turn around. Every time you see it, stop and say it OUT LOUD...oh look, I said that again. Must be important. 

Be like Jessica. She's pretty amazing..dontcha think?

3. Look For The Positive
You have to train your brain to find the positive every day. All this negative nonsense really interferes with that. So find time in your day to write down at least 5 positive things. They don't have to be big things. It could be your hair is on point today or you didn't think you were going to kill your kids as much today or your boss was pretty cool today. Anything. Or it could be what 5 positive things happened to you in the last 24 hours. Doesn't really matter. What matters is that you DO IT. Every day. No excuses. Make it a routine. Do it with your kids. Do it with your significant other, your mother, your BFF...just do it. If you do this solidly for 30 days, you will see changes start to take place. And it's kinda cool. 

Take these tips. GO DO THEM! Check in with me below and let me hear about how they worked for you. Remember, YOU were made to be awesome!!



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