The Stumble Upon VIPkid
Life is rough sometimes. I know you all "get" that. Sometimes you are handed lemons. You might consider making lemonade but really, you just want the satisfaction of stomping and squeezing..until they don't exist. Ever. Any more. But then reality sets in and you realize you can whine and bitch about it or you can make some damn lemonade.
I realized, this month, that I had lemons that I needed to do something about. I teach part time at a local community college as well as manage a fairly successful home business. Usually, between the two, I manage to pay our mortgage, my car payment and many other bills that I won't bore you with. Both jobs offer me flexibility and fun. But, lately, I've been handed one of my lemons with the college by having reduced hours needed and another lemon came by a reduction in pay in my home business. The ups and downs of a home business. Oy vey. As a result, several things haven't been happening for a while with the home business because every penny needed to go to the bills (yet another lemon) while I won't get paid until Feb for my college gig.
That means a whole month on my husbands teaching paycheck and my reduced home business pay check. That. Is. Rough. I mean so rough I have to calculate how much gas I use because we may not have money for gas for me next week. (and with this f#$#%& cold snap we have going on, I AM NOT WALKING ANYWHERE)
So my lemonade came in the form of searching for a job. One may not actually think that looking for a job is lemonade, but it is..with a little sugar come to find out.
I'm picky about my jobs. I'm no longer inclined to teach high schoolers because I constantly think that they need a punch in the face kick in the rear end...several times a day..not all students..but enough. The entitlement does it to me..but that's a topic for another day. I also have come to love my flexible nap work schedule. I could do something like substituting and I still might. I can tolerate other peoples kids for a day, if I must. Ultimately, I decided to run a search on monster and career builder. Mostly I just get emails asking me to be an Avon rep (competes with my home business and pays no..) and insurance sales agent (is that even fun?).

In my travel group, on facebook, there was a post that asked what jobs people had that allowed them to travel. A couple of girls said they taught English to Chinese students online though a company called VIPKid. These girls said they could make their own schedule AND get paid over $20/hour (most of them) AND it can be done in the morning and evening (a.k.a before the kids go to school and after they are snug as a bug in a rug at night). This led my heart to do ecstatic leaps (and I also realized I had scrolled past job postings on career builder that said VIPkid and blew them foolish). In addition, all you needed was a Bachelor's degree and some kid type interaction. I think 16 years of teaching counts, don't you??
So I applied. The process has a couple of steps to it..we can talk about that in a separate post. I did manage to become a VIPkid teacher and I'm super excited to see where this takes me. Best appeals to my picky job sense.
If you have a picky job sense like's just click here VipKid and check it out for yourself. Make sure you leave me a comment and let me know what you think.
I realized, this month, that I had lemons that I needed to do something about. I teach part time at a local community college as well as manage a fairly successful home business. Usually, between the two, I manage to pay our mortgage, my car payment and many other bills that I won't bore you with. Both jobs offer me flexibility and fun. But, lately, I've been handed one of my lemons with the college by having reduced hours needed and another lemon came by a reduction in pay in my home business. The ups and downs of a home business. Oy vey. As a result, several things haven't been happening for a while with the home business because every penny needed to go to the bills (yet another lemon) while I won't get paid until Feb for my college gig.
That means a whole month on my husbands teaching paycheck and my reduced home business pay check. That. Is. Rough. I mean so rough I have to calculate how much gas I use because we may not have money for gas for me next week. (and with this f#$#%& cold snap we have going on, I AM NOT WALKING ANYWHERE)
So my lemonade came in the form of searching for a job. One may not actually think that looking for a job is lemonade, but it is..with a little sugar come to find out.
I'm picky about my jobs. I'm no longer inclined to teach high schoolers because I constantly think that they need a

In my travel group, on facebook, there was a post that asked what jobs people had that allowed them to travel. A couple of girls said they taught English to Chinese students online though a company called VIPKid. These girls said they could make their own schedule AND get paid over $20/hour (most of them) AND it can be done in the morning and evening (a.k.a before the kids go to school and after they are snug as a bug in a rug at night). This led my heart to do ecstatic leaps (and I also realized I had scrolled past job postings on career builder that said VIPkid and blew them foolish). In addition, all you needed was a Bachelor's degree and some kid type interaction. I think 16 years of teaching counts, don't you??
So I applied. The process has a couple of steps to it..we can talk about that in a separate post. I did manage to become a VIPkid teacher and I'm super excited to see where this takes me. Best appeals to my picky job sense.
If you have a picky job sense like's just click here VipKid and check it out for yourself. Make sure you leave me a comment and let me know what you think.
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