The Stumble Upon VIPkid

Life is rough sometimes. I know you all "get" that. Sometimes you are handed lemons. You might consider making lemonade but really, you just want the satisfaction of stomping and squeezing..until they don't exist. Ever. Any more. But then reality sets in and you realize you can whine and bitch about it or you can make some damn lemonade. I realized, this month, that I had lemons that I needed to do something about. I teach part time at a local community college as well as manage a fairly successful home business. Usually, between the two, I manage to pay our mortgage, my car payment and many other bills that I won't bore you with. Both jobs offer me flexibility and fun. But, lately, I've been handed one of my lemons with the college by having reduced hours needed and another lemon came by a reduction in pay in my home business. The ups and downs of a home business. Oy vey. As a result, several things haven't been happening for a while with the home business ...