That Overwhelming Feeling

You have groceries to get, dinner to make, homework to supervise, kids to bathe, a business to run and not enough hours in the day ever, it seems like. No wonder why a lot of people feel overwhelmed. We do so many things on a daily basis that it is pretty easy to have a period where you just want to throw your hands up and say I give up. Here are my top 3 tips to helping with that feeling of overwhelment. 1) Stop. Drop. (ok maybe not really) Breathe. Take a step back and breathe. Maybe go read a book, watch a tv show, meditate, take a shower, read a book, something other than what is making you feel overwhelmed. You just need a breather sometimes. 2) Make a list of what you need to do. Then star your top priorities. It's ok if you don't get everything done, but this will help organize your thoughts as to what to do. I mean, I get overwhelmed just thinking about doing the dishes. Because I HATE doing the dishes. 3) Tackle one thing at a time. Maybe listen to music or ...